Sunday, October 20, 2013

Math Games!

Encourage early mathematics and number activities
It is important that children are introduced to mathematics as a meaningful, pleasurable activity, not a rote memory skill.  It is for this reason that I absolutely LOVE the games incorporated into the Everyday Math curriculum.   Many of your students’ teachers send home weekly or bi-weekly math game ideas.  The games are easy to implement, and have many rewarding benefits for your child.  Beyond these specific games, many simple board games with dice are excellent ways of teaching counting,  one-to-one correspondence, and turn taking.

If you would like additional math game ideas, please refer to the article below.  It provides instructions for simple card games that will strengthen math reasoning, and math fluency.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Thinking About My Thinking

We have introduced these "Thinking About My Thinking" cards in room 19 to check for understanding as instruction is given.  By providing the visual cue, students are encouraged to clarify their understanding of new concepts.   When a misunderstanding is made clear, students can ask better questions, and integrate new information.

You may not have color-coded cue cards around the house, but you do have the opportunity to encourage your child to ask open ended questions when confronted with a problem or misunderstanding.  If your child frequently cries, “I need help!”, while doing homework, ask them to clarify their questions.  “Help with what, exactly?”  If they respond by pointing to a problem on a worksheet while giving you an assuming grunt, resist handing them the easy answer.  Respond with your own questions until they express themselves with clarity, and ask for help with precision.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October is National LD Awareness Month!

Does your child have learning and attention issues such as dyslexia, ADHD, auditory processing disorder or problems with executive function? Share this with friends and loved ones whose children or students are struggling with LD or related issues.